Becoming A Member

How Do I Become A Member?

membership-approvedWellington Square Cooperative conducts regular membership orientation programs for people who are interested in finding out more about Wellington Square Cooperative, and about applying for membership.

Completing an application is the first step. Once the application is processed, you will be contacted for an interview to further determine your eligibility. If all the member selection criteria are met, you will be notified that you have been accepted as a prospective member, and that you have been placed on the waiting list for when an appropriate unit becomes available.

Becoming a member is different to renting a unit outside of the cooperative. For instance, members are expected to participate in the social life through committees and activities towards keeping the Cooperative well maintained and functional.

The Cooperative does not discriminate against, or select members based on ethnicity, culture, or family status. However, members are expected to abide by applicable provincial occupancy laws and regulations, including the bylaws, policies and legal obligations of the Cooperative.

Currently the waiting list is 5 years. Applicants on the waiting list will be contacted when an appropriate unit becomes available.

The process from when an application for membership is submitted, applicant interviewed, and placement on the waiting list, is within 2 months.

First and last month housing charges are due at signing. A 3-month vacation notice is required prior to vacating a unit.

The Cooperative insures Co-operative property (the structures), and personal liability on each unit. It does not carry insurance on your individual property (furnishings, clothes, motor vehicle etc.). You are advised to purchase a householder's policy for your possessions.


Contact Info

205 Plains Rd W, Burlington, ON, L7T 4H3

(905) 529-7212

 (905) 522-3044


Office Open Hours

Monday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday: Closed

Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Weekends: Closed